November 2010
Seems I disappeared.... I blinked and almost 6 months have passed, I must have done something with all that time.....
At the end of July I went to Jiko An, in the Alpujarra for a course of chi gong and shiatsu. I came back filled with peace and tranquillity . It was so quiet up there and felt a bit like being on another planet. The nearest village, Yegen, was a few kilometres down the hill. Beyond those distant mountains is the Mediterranean.
A week or so later I was in London. In the National Portrait Gallery bookshop I picked up a book about Gerard Brennan , who lived in Yegen back in the 1920s, and wrote "South of Granada" based on his life there. I found myself reading a paragraph where he described the feeling of being high up there looking down on all that space from Yegen, in Jiko An we were even higher up . Most of the time the sky was cloudless and the nights moonlit but one morning a ribbon of cloud drifted up the valley, and gradually spead until it we were on an island surrounded by
cloud, which buffetted up against windows and cut us off from the rest of the wor
day all was clear and cloudless again.