Sunday, 29 May 2011

images from Prague....

From the river and filming on the bridge

a shop window,

a saxophonist,
and folks
to watch and listen to him,
and a cool shady place to walk
and explore the dark interiors...

some art nouveau.....

a little gallery I found and liked

an evening patrol of penguins,
and some artwork, interesting, colourful, imaginative, whimsical and all done in coloured pencils, and I remembered that I used to work in this medium, maybe I should get mine out and give them a go again.

the trip continued......

In Ostrava.
my favourite coffee shop,
where next?

back to Prague ...?

A trip to the Czech Republic

On Charles Bridge in Prague in May,
and with Lenka and Zaneta in Ostrava.

Almost the end of May

A weekend in Malaga;

reflections on a brass band,

Monday, 18 April 2011

wild gladioli

On a sunlit morning here I picked a bunch of these wild gladioli and took them home and put them in a blue glass vase. In the market in Marrakech I used to buy bunches of these lovely cerise flowers. As I write these words I remember the colours and perfumes of the flowers there... will I ever get back to Marrakech I wonder...?

Sunday, 3 April 2011

spring is sprung

On the first day of April 2011 we have a summer's day,

followed by "An Ancient Mariner" day,

then a gloomy Sunday where that is washed away by rain,

but the grass grows overnight and wild flowers spring up along the roadsides.....

Friday, 4 February 2011


Curious to think that this time last week I was in Venice...

It was an icy cold day, a cutting wind blowing in off the lagoon, but it was still magic. Was I really there? Only I know for sure, there is no evidence, except this shadow image... but that could be anyone.....

Travelling alone makes you see and experience things in different ways...

"Don't Look Now!"

"Death in Venice."

Saturday, 22 January 2011

January 22nd 2011

It's cold and frosty here, and the waning moon is still bright enough to illuminate the night, up the hill in La Guardia the fireworks are going off as I write.
This time last week I was at a San Anton Party, and walking back home at 2.00am the world was bathed in a silver blue light, no need for torches while coming back down through the olive trees. I tried to imagine what it would be like to be flying over the land looking down on the moonlit countryside.

By the bonfire, my friend Ruth, and the "guy" still standing high and then me and the guy's succumbed to the fire. Asked what the word for hoguera was in English, told them and this led to speculation as to what the "bon" meant, turns out nothing to do with French, but derives from from 15th century word banefore or bonefire, a fire for burning bones on.... hmmmm...

The cold and the thick white frost this morning make me think of Christmas in the UK... it seems the only photos I took there were of frozen ponds...

The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice , there is little we can do to change until we notice how our failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds. RDL